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2021-4-20 13:05| 发布者: wdb| 查看: 145| 评论: 0|原作者: [db:作者]|来自: [db:来源]

摘要: “2020(春季)宁波世界车子博览会”将于6月25-28日举办,更多2021车展信息关注我们。

    因疫情作用,原定于2020年3月27-30日在宁波世界会展中心举办的“2020(春季)宁波世界车子博览会”延期至2020年6月25-28日,布展时间为6月21-24日。     对此给您形成的不便咱们深表歉意,敬请谅解!由衷的感谢您的扶持与了解。     Due to the impact of the epidemic, the "2020 (Spring) Ningbo International Automobile Expo" originally scheduled to be held at the Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center on March 27-30, 2020 was postponed to June 25-28, 2020, and the exhibition time was June 21- 24th.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we apologize for this! Thank you for your support and understanding.